Saturday, January 3, 2009

Do you Twitter?

If you aren't Twittering then you are missing out on building incredible relationships with others. The opportunities abound by connecting at Twitter. It is so addicting and you never want to leave because you don't want to miss the fun and the little tidbits of information you pick up. There are so many people to learn from there and it is amazing how everyone wants to help others.

The concept of helping and giving to others is so powerful. Helping others is so gratifying and at the same time helps you grow personally. I challenge everyone to go out and help someone. The rewards are incredible.

Amazingly there is very little spam at Twitter. What you do see is people making friendships,sharing advice, building relationships and having so much fun. I have to ask myself the question, "Why didn't you join this sooner?"

For the last few days many have been twittering with the hashtag #happy09. It created quite a buzz and many were asking about it. Warren Whitlock who is a writer, blogger and social media expert, started this phenomenon and soon it grew and grew. He taught us that you you need to help others FIRST. He sponsored a giveaway and and had many contribute free products to this. On January 2nd on his radio show at he gave away the prizes to a fellow twitterer April Tara who told him that she was going to share the prizes with others who needed them to grow themselves and their own business. Wow! Talk about an incredibly unselfish person. She wanted to help others and truly has a spirit of giving. Oh, by the way this is #happy09 is going to continue so it will be fun to see how this viral giving will continue you to grow.

So if you haven't joined Twitter or you are only showing links and not getting to know the community of people there, I invite you to really start building incredible friendships, contribute ideas and learn from others. Show others that you are worthwhile to follow. I have been active only for 2 weeks and I have grown to almost 800 followers. By helping others to achieve good things in their life you will reap good things in yours.

Sign up for Twitter here

You can find Warren at

Here is the #happy09 site where you can sign up and get a copy of Warren's book

April Tara at

Here's April's site

and me at

I wish all of you a Very Prosperous 2009.

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